ROM Hacking
02 Mar 2024
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Text hacking.
Needed: GCRebuilder
Create your copy of the directory
- Open the ISO in GCRebuilder.
- Export files
- Now you have the directory. Save it somewhere else
Begin text editing
- Go to too/msg/{country name here}
- Use notepad++ to open files. Make sure you have EOL conversion on (Unix).
- Edit the text.
- Save the file.
- After saving your text files, go to GC Rebuilder. Open Root and select the folder you have been working in.
- Root > Save. If you don’t have a new ISO yet, type the name of your modded ISO. Otherwise select the modded ISO.
- Root > Rebuild.
- Test your ISO in Dolphin or emulator of your choice.
- Build often stalls at 1459814400 bytes written for some reason. Wait it out.
- Always test after making changes! Not every single little one, but don’t wait too long between large revisions.
- One bug I encountered was incorrect line spacing. First encountered with the Toad girl in Glitzville who has a crush on the “Welcome to the Glitz Pit!” guy. I could not find a way to fix it. I must have changed something at some point that caused this, but her actual text was unaltered. Removing the <wait 250> command fixed the first segment but I could do nothing to fix the next ones. Solution was to delete the entire tou2.txt file and get a fresh tou2.txt file from the original. Do not copy paste the text from fresh copy to altered - it doesn’t work, for some reason. Instead, deleted your altered tou2.txt and replace with a fresh tou2.txt.
Edit the number of coins
Tags: video game